Dr. Thomas Ketterl is a research associate with over 14 years of experience in RF circuits and systems design, RF MEMS circuits research, acoustic electronics, and complete sensor development and design. Before joining the iWINLAB team, he worked at USF's Center of Ocean Technology for 10 years developing novel RF MEMS switches and wireless telemetry systems, acoustic transceiver systems for low noise ocean communications using polymer piezoelectric materials, and modular, multisensor biologging devices for marine mammal tagging applications. Prior to his schooling and work at USF, he worked as an electronics test and fabrication engineer at BMV in Munich, Germany.
Dr. Ketterl is a member of the IEEE, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors Society, and Sigma Xi Research Society. He received a B.S. in Ocean Engineering from the Florida Atlantic University in 1994 and his M.S and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering at USF in 2000 and 2006, respectively.
Below is a list of Thomas's publications:
[1] C. A. Castro, S. Smith, A. Alqassis, T. P. Ketterl, Yu Sun, S. Ross, A. Rosemurgy, P. P. Savage, and R. D. Gitlin, "A Wireless Miniature Robot for Networked Expedited Laparoscopy," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), April 2013.
[2] T. P. Ketterl, G. E. Arrobo, and R. D. Gitlin, "SAR and BER Evaluation Using a Simulation Test Bench for In Vivo Communication at 2.4 GHz," 2013 IEEE WAMICON, April 2013.
[3] H. Broadbent, T. Ketterl, A. Silverman, Torres, and J. Torres, “Development of a CTD biotag: Challenges and pitfalls”, Deep-Sea Research Part II, Volume 88, April 2013.
[4] C. Castro, S. Smith, A. Alqassis, T. Ketterl, Y. Sun, P. Savage, R. Gitlin, “Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site Surgery using MARVEL--- a Novel Wireless Robotic Video Platform”, 2013 IEEE Winter Visions Meeting, January 2013.
[5] A. Alqassis, T. Ketterl, C. Castro, R. Gitlin, S. Ross, Y. Sun, and A. Rosemurgy, “Marvel in vivo Wireless System”, accepted for publication in the National Academy of Inventors Technology and Innovation Journal, 2012.
[6] C. Castro, A. Alqassis, S. Smith, T. Ketterl, Y. Sun; S. Ross,, A. Rosemurgy, P. Savage, and R. Gitlin, “A Wireless Robot for Networked Laparoscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Bioengineering, Issue 99, 2012.
[7] C. Castro, S. Smith, A. Alqassis, T. Ketterl, Y. Sun; S. Ross,, A. Rosemurgy, P. Savage, and R. Gitlin, “MARVEL: A wireless Miniature Anchored Robotic Videoscope for Expedited Laparoscopy”, 2012 ICRA, May 2012.
[8] T. Ketterl, G. Arrobo, A Sahin, T. Tillman, H Arslan, and R. Gitlin, “In Vivo Wireless Communication Channels”, 2012 IEEE WAMICON, April 2012.
[9] H. Broadbent, T. Ketterl, J. Dlutowsky, and C. Reid, “A Low-Cost, Miniature CTD for Animal-Borne Ocean Measurements”, 2010 IEEE/MTS Oceans, October 2010.
[10] H. Broadbent, T. Ketterl, and C. Reid. “A miniature rigid/flex salinity measurement device fabricated using printed circuit processing techniques”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, June 2010.
[11] T. Ketterl and T. Weller. “Reflectenna: A Quasi Passive On-Off Keyed Microwave Telemetry System for Remote Sensor Applications”, IET Journal of Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 1, pp. 843-846, August 2007.
[12] T. Ketterl and T. Weller. “X-Band MEMS Capacitive Shunt Switches with Metal-Insulator-Metal Contacts for Improved Isolation”, 2006 IEEE WAMICON, December 2006.
[13] T. Ketterl, T.Weller, and B. Rossie. "MEMS Series Switch with Nanometer Wide Gaps in Suspended Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Lines", 2006 IEEE MTT-S, pp. 255-258, June 2006.
[14] T. Ketterl and T. Weller. "SPDT MEMS switch using a single bias voltage and based on dual series and shunt capacitive MEMS switches", 2005 IEEE European Microwave Week, pp. 1647-1650, October 2005.
[15] T. Ketterl, T. Weller, and B. Rossie. "Focused ion beam milled sub-micron capacitive gaps in coplanar transmission lines . " 2005 IEEE AP-S, pp. 292-295, July 2005.
[16] T. Ketterl, T. Weller, and D. Fries. "A micromachined tunable CPW resonator", 2001 IEEE MTT-S, pp. 345-348, May 2001.
[17] T. Ketterl, “Capacitive RF MEMS tunable resonator and X-band switches with applications,” IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, April 2005.
[18] H. Broadbent, T. Ketterl, A. Silverman, Torres, and J. Torres, “Penguin CTD- tag: development of a miniature biologger to determine the use of physical microstructure by foraging penguins”, 4th International Science Symposium on Bio-logging, March 2011.